
The systematic, methodical improvement of your customer experience is at the heart of everything we do: to boost sales, customer loyalty, and recommendations.

  • 01 Experience Design

    Excellent UX and UI drives purchasing decisions and shapes brand perception.

  • 02 Digital commerce growth strategies

    Enjoy sustainable growth through targeted content marketing, data-driven analytics, and uncompromising customer centricity.

  • 03 Content marketing & performance

    High-performing content increases traffic and conversions. Plus: seamless SEA, SMA, and CRM integration.

“All the agencies only saw what I showed them. Moccu showed me something new.”

— David Niedzielski, CEO Tausendsassa, Venture Builder Goede Group

Typical requests

Why clients approach us: needs and pain points

  • D2C growth

    "We’ve invested in digital direct-to-consumer sales and built the infrastructure. Yet our slice of total e-commerce sales still hovers in the single digits."

  • Lower customer acquisition cost

    "We want to enrich our brand store with contents that address key customer needs AND drive sustainable, relevant traffic."

  • Targeted, effective, high-impact content

    "We want to enrich our brand store with contents that address key customer needs AND drive sustainable, relevant traffic."

  • Leveraging CRM potential

    "We have a CRM solution in place but aren’t really making the most of its existing potential."

  • Digital services

    "We are looking for digital services to complement our range of physical products."

01 Experience design

First impressions count: within just a few seconds, users subconsciously form an opinion and make a decision. The same applies to brand perception, and that’s why design is so important – and so effective when done just right.

Direct-to-consumer sales let brands control their own brand image, messaging, and customer experience. After all, the experience is the product.

  • Research

    Customer Journey Mapping, Buyer Personas, Design Audit

  • Customer Experience

    User Flow & Navigation, Conversion Optimierung, Guided Selling

  • Brand Experience

    Digital Branding, Emotional Design & Visual Storytelling

  • User Interface Design

    Accessible Interaction Design, Prototyping

  • Headless Design Systems

    Accessible Pattern Libraries, Structure & Governance

  • Outcome Measurement & Optimization

    Interviews & Surveys, Usability Testing, Visual Design Testing

02 Digital commerce growth

Sustainable success builds on user experience. So, when identifying scope for further growth, we start with the customer journey. Where do we spot potential for growth? Where do digital services provide clear added value? What do customers really need ... and what frustrates them?

The value of analyzing customer needs and preferences can’t be overstated: this treasure trove of insights and data lets us identify nascent trends and supports truly targeted product launches.

  • Audits & Analysis

    Competitive Analysis, Trend Analysis, Business Model Analysis, Target Audience Analysis, Accessibility Audit

  • Growth Marketing

    SEA & SMA, CRM & email marketing, Brand awareness campaigns

  • Service design

    Workshops, Upskilling, Design Sprints

03 Content marketing & performance

Our content is designed to drive traffic, generate sales, and rank among the top search results. On-site, this targeted, relevant content enhances the user experience by guiding informed purchase decisions, answering questions, resolving potential issues, and building trust.

Our equally effective SEA and SMA campaigns benefit from content synergies. Goal-focused KPIs, dashboards, and client-agency analysis calls ensure each campaign stays on point – and strictly successful.

  • SEO-Consulting

    International rollout, Digital Authority Management, Technical SEO

  • Content strategy

    Content audit, Information Architecture, KPI definition, Visual design concept

  • SEO Content-Creation

    Keyword analysis, Content briefings, Text, image, and video creation, Content management

  • Performance Measurement & Optimization

    Tracking setup, Reporting & dashboards, A/B Testing

Why go with Moccu?

Our special sauce

  • strong design

    We understand what shapes a great brand experience – and we know a thing or two about design. Expect top-tier visuals, crystal-clear user experiences, and lasting brand impact.

  • rooted in experience

    At Moccu, we practice what we preach. We’re not all theory and strategy, but know from experience what matters, down to the smallest practical detail. Our consulting branch – and our clients – benefit directly from this rich, hands-on expertise.

  • systematic testing

    Trust us to verify all steps of the process: we test all assumptions and results, from prototype to finished product. This allows us to quickly identify promising solutions, abandon potential dead ends, and avoid unnecessary detours in discussions of options or preferences.

  • highly specialized

    Direct-to-consumer sales for established brands? We know the ins and out by heart. Because that’s all we do and deal with: the tricky challenges – and smart solutions. In short: we know the whats, hows, and wheres of what works well and what doesn't for your business.

  • financially impactful

    Our solutions are designed to have a substantial, sustainable impact. It’s important to us that you truly benefit from what we deliver.

The proof? Is in the pudding.